The importance of including the poor coincides with a commonly held belief today that widespread poverty in the midst of global prosperity is both unsustainable and morally unacceptable. Now, more than ever before, the focus needs to be on how policy affects the poor, and if the poor themselves can influence policy. Updated from the 1999 edition, this book reflects the shift in dialogue from why the poor should be included in policy formulation to explanations of the way this can be achieved. Drawing on her experience as one of the International Monetary Funds first two social development specialists, the author shows how participatory methods and approaches can enable poor people to analyze their poverty, suggest solutions and express their priorities, and how these can fundamentally differ from those assumed by policymakers. She documents and analyzes the development of a comprehensive methodology that shows how to consult directly with the poor and link the results to the national policy dialogue. . This methodology was developed in partnership with governments, non-governmental organizations and other civil society groups. This edition also includes a new chapter, drawing on recent case examples from participatory poverty assessments. The book is a guide for those policymakers who wish to understand how to improve consultation with the poor; for governments, NGOs and donors who wish to undertake PPAs; and for all those embarking on the Poverty Reduction Strategy Process.
Publication year:
xxxiii, 195 p.
Publisher reference:
World Bank