Budgeting for women and men: a handbook for local government councillors, district planners and leaders of civil society organisations

Publication year: 

This handbook is intended to assist Ugandan officials and activists at District Level to include the concerns of women, men and children in district budgets. It was prepared to introduce the national priorities in the Poverty Eradication Action Plan, to provide guidelines on how to identify gender issues and how to examine a sector policy and budget with a 'gender lens'. An examination is undertaken of gender roles and of concerns and gaps in the sectors of education and health, with questions at the end of each section to guide the investigator. Additionally, advice is given on a gender analysis of the budget, and on how the district budget fits in the national budget, including step by step instructions on the budget process, the preparation of the budget, and monitoring and reporting on the use of funds.

30 p.
Forum for Women in Democracy, PO Box 7176, Kampala, Uganda
Publisher reference: 

How to find this resource

Shelfmark in IDS Resource Centre
D : Governance : Participatory budgeting and economic decision making 4387
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00