Beyond the good discussion : the issues matrix for analysing intra-communal differences in PRAP

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This article describes Redd Barna - Uganda's experiences in using the Issues Matrix to analyse intra-communal difference, by facilitating independent discussions of different gender and age groups, in order to arrive at communal decisions. The Issues Matrix is a table, which captures, in a summary form, all the issues of concern that arise out of the initial application of PRA methods by interest groups. Marginalised groups in a community can advocate for their issues in the decision-making process, through the independent analysis that this method entails. The Issues Matrix can be used for situation analysis, as a practical starting point to address concerns that need immediate attention, as a benchmark for community-based planning and for participatory monitoring and evaluation. It is not only a tool for the analysis of intra-communal difference - it also promotes consensus building and paves the way for long term community planning and action.

Source publication information
Journal Title: 
PLA notes
No. 34
IIED, 3 Endsleigh Street, London WC1H ODD, UK
Publisher reference: 
International Institute for Environment and Development

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E : Miscellaneous : RRA Notes/PLA 3695
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00