This brief overview report provides an outline of Flood Action Plan (FAP) 12 in Bangladesh that assessed the impact of flood control, drainage and irrigation in 12 projects. An RRA was carried out in each system. The final report consists of four volumes, the rapid appraisals are documented in volume 2. FAP 12 introduced Rapid Rural Appraisal methods on a scale never seen before in Bangladesh, and raised conventional sample survey practices to new levels of comprehensiveness and rigour. The ability to compare data from independent approaches permitted much more confident use of results in drawing conclusions. Many of FAP 12's techniques have been since adopted by other study teams within the context of the overall project. Prior to the RRA's of FAP 12 the methodology had been little used in Bangladesh. In all, RRAs of seventeen representative completed flood control and drainage projects were carried out.
Publication year:
Interest groups:
This is of particular interest to those concerned with policy and planning at the national and regional level, including government officials.
Publisher reference:
Hunting Technical Services