Assessment, Monitoring, Review and Evaluation Toolkits

Publication year: 

There are seven sections: Section 1 describes the role of the tool kit and provides some useful basic definitions: the following topics are analysed: 2 - Assessment and planning; 3 - Monitoring; 4 - Review; 5 - Evaluation; 6 - Assessment, monitoring and evaluation in emergency situations. Section 7 describes the different 'tools' that can be drawn upon during the implementation of the aformentioned activities. In each of the sections 2 to 6, the authors comprehensively review the key component stages and aspects of each activity, providing a well ordered summary of definitions, key points to consider, and the different methodologies through which the activity can be approached. Each section is also well-endowed with case study examples. Section seven is the most valuable, and describes the different 'tools' which can be used in each of the activities above in detail [these tools are referred to, when deemed necessary, during the activity discussions in sections 2 - 6]. There are eight main 'tools' listed below: 1. Surveys; 2. Using consultants; 3. Participatory assessment (PRA); 4. Logical Framework analysis; 5. Cost effective analysis - the technoserve method; 6; Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Constraints (SWOC) analysis; 7. Setting objectives and; 8. Participatory self evaluation - methodology and indicators. "Tool 3" devotes 20 pages to the analysis of PRA methods and provides very clear and valuable descriptions of; the "tools and techniques for gathering and analysing information" of the PRA approach; the strengths and weaknesses of the PRA process; "when the approach should be used"; and some suggested - if slightly outdated - further reading. "Tool 8" is adapted from a description of the People's Participation Program (PPP) of the FAO which is covered elsewhere in this bibliography (Uphoff 1989). The structure of the toolkit is generally very effective and user-friendly, for example, the summary of "participatory approaches to evaluation" (chapter 13 of section 5) is well bolstered by the specific cross references to "tools" 3 and 8 of section 7 and provides the reader with a comprehensive baseline understanding of the possible applications of PRA methods for evaluation activities.

Interest groups: 
The stated purpose of this toolkit is "to help SCF plan and develop its work in a systematic way". As such, this manual will be of specific interest to policy makers and planners, managers and other staff in any large donor agency. However, it will undoubtedly also prove useful for practitioners and fieldworkers working in smaller NGOs.
Save the Children Fund
Publisher reference: 
Save the Children

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Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00