The art of building facilitation capacities: a training manual

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This manual is designed for trainers and facilitators who have an interest in improving the facilitation skills of field workers in the context of community forestry development. The manual is designed as part of a facilitation training package supported by a training video that helps the trainer bring real life scenes from the field into the classroom. The training sessions described have been effectively used within a wide range of audiences all over Asia, including field workers, extension workers, college teachers and managers. Practical suggestions are given for how to adapt and use the manual for different target groups and contexts. The focus of the manual is on the facilitation of groups and group processes in meetings. The manual is divided into 9 main sections, including preparing for the job; setting the context of the training; participatory decision-making; facilitation fundamentals; core roles of a facilitator; practicing facilitation skills; integrating skillsÆ optional sessions and annexes.|The video lasts for 2 hours and is designed to accompany the training manual. It consists of a series of short film clips that are self-contained and can be watched separately. Each clip shows a sequence of scenes of a facilitator in action or interviewed reflecting on their experiences. The video is divided into 4 main sections: basics, roles, challenges and skills. Within each section, specific issues are addressed such as what is facilitation; role of the facilitator; attitudes and group dynamics; integrating tools into the meeting process; dealing with controversial issues; dealing with dominance and facilitating multi-stakeholder meetings; facilitating reflection and using energisers.

269 p.
RECOFTC: The Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific, PO Box 1111 Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10903, Thailand
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Shelfmark in IDS Resource Centre
C : Guides and manuals : Training and workshop skills 4820
Post date: 05/05/2007 - 00:00