This natural resources programme attempted a participatory baseline survey as a first step in a participatory planning process. Many PRA tools are used, including maps at the community and household level, agricultural and livestock calanders, semi-stuctured interviews, ranking exercises and daily schedules. In addition, measures of crops were taken and there was time set aside for observation. Specific themes were taken as the focus for different group discussions, and there were many separate meetings for men and women. The process of participatory "data collection" is analyzed, as is, in turn, the way in which the information generated was analyzed at community and project level. The method is felt to have both strengths and weaknesses, and areas which had not been properly covered were highlighted (part of the problems was the timing of the exercise - during the harvest period). The bulk of the report is the results, both in diagrammatic form and through a more formal style of analysis. The survey is incorporated into a logical framework.
Publication year:
Interest groups:
May interest agricultural and natural resource field workers as well as project planners
95 p. + appendices
Publisher reference:
CARE Bolivia