ActionAid-Pakistan: Annual Progress Report, January to December 1992

Publication year: 

This report gives an overview of the work of ActionAid-Pakistan in 1992. The general section on programme work notes that a process is envisaged where PRA is used to facilitate the initial introduction to a community, leading to preliminary ideas from which to begin immediate entry point activities, to provide a basis for developing the programme further. An example is given of a PRA study whose aims were to elicit information about an area unfamiliar to staff and to develop understanding between ActionAid and the communities. The benefits of undertaking the introductory PRA are elaborated, which included community participation in project choice and facilitation of communication of ActionAid's ideas about proposed projects to villagers. The report includes a description of the programme area, local problems defined in the PRA and the initial programme objectives. The need to develop community management structures and monitoring and evaluation systems to ensure continuing community involvement is elaborated.

ActionAid-Pakistan, PO Box 2943, Islamabad, Pakistan
Publisher reference: 
ActionAid, Pakistan

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A : Participatory Approaches : PRA and PLA 1476
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00