100 ways to energise groups: games to use in workshops, meetings and the commuity

Publication year: 

This booklet is one of a series of resources that The International HIV/AIDS Alliance has developed to encourage participation in practice. It is a compilation of energisers, icebreakers, and games that can be used by anyone working with groups of people, whether in a workshop, meeting, or community setting. This guide aims to be an 'ideas book' of shared experiences to help facilitators prepare for participatory workshops. Each of the 100 games is described in a short paragraph. The guide also briefly outlines some general considerations when using games in workshop settings. Facilitators for workshops, meetings and training courses can use games for a variety of different reasons, including helping people to get to know each other, increasing energy or enthusiasm levels, encouraging team building or making people think about a specific issue. Games that help people to get to know each other and to relax are called ice breakers. When people look sleepy or tired, energisers can be used to get people moving and to give them more enthusiasm. Other games can be used to help people think through issues and can help to address problems that people may encounter when they are working together. Games can also help people to think creatively and laterally. This guide includes all these different types of games û in no particular order û and facilitators can pick and choose those that are most appropriate for their specific purpose and context.

23 p.
International HIV/AIDS Alliance
International HIV/AIDS Alliance, Queensbury House, 104-106 Queens Road, Brighton BN1 3XF
Publisher reference: 
International HIV/AIDS Alliance

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C : Guides and manuals : Training and workshop skills 4716
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00