Young Advocates for Change

26th July to 2nd August 2014, Switzerland

Initiatives of Change in partnership with the Child to Child Trust and Universal Education Foundation present the second edition of CATS: Children as Actors for Transforming Society.  This conference provides a space where children, young people and adults live, learn and work together as equal partners in transforming society.  Over six days, the beautiful venue of Caux Palace (Switzerland) will become a meeting point for a global community of advocates for the rights and well-being of children.

The theme of this year’s conference is Children as Advocates for Change: the conference welcomes child, youth and adult advocates, particularly those working in education, justice, health and media; working internationally, nationally and locally; working for NGOs, schools, pedagogical movements, child and youth-led organisations. The programme includes interactive presentations and discussions, inter-generational dialogues, artistic experiences, workshops open to children and adults and a few other surprises.  Activities will be run in different languages.  For more information go to the Caux website or contact the Child  To Child Trust  - Tricia Young at