26th July to 2nd August 2014, Switzerland
Initiatives of Change in partnership with the Child to Child Trust and Universal Education Foundation present the second edition of CATS: Children as Actors for Transforming Society. This conference provides a space where children, young people and adults live, learn and work together as equal partners in transforming society. Over six days, the beautiful venue of Caux Palace (Switzerland) will become a meeting point for a global community of advocates for the rights and well-being of children.
The theme of this year’s conference is Children as Advocates for Change: the conference welcomes child, youth and adult advocates, particularly those working in education, justice, health and media; working internationally, nationally and locally; working for NGOs, schools, pedagogical movements, child and youth-led organisations. The programme includes interactive presentations and discussions, inter-generational dialogues, artistic experiences, workshops open to children and adults and a few other surprises. Activities will be run in different languages. For more information go to the Caux website or contact the Child To Child Trust - Tricia Young at t.young@ioe.ac.uk