Webber, L.

Making Sense of Semi-Structured Interview Data: The Kyeamba Valley PRA Approach

This paper discusses the use of data generated in semi-structured interviews with local landholders in Australia. Interviews were conducted by pairs of researchers, one of whom recorded the interviews in a notebook. Pairs were then debriefed, which elicited reflections on emerging issues. Information was then shared with other pairs for the same purpose. The paper discusses the categorisation of information for presentation, and the development of themes.

Design and Conduct of Co-researching process: Braiding Theory and Practice for Research with people

The focus of this research method is working with people. Many of the tools are similar to some of those used in PRA - for example SSIs, key informants and overnight stays. In-depth story telling was also used. In this way detailed agricultural information was obtained, in particular grazing, both current and historical. The graziers became 'co-researchers', involved in small and large group discussions during a workshop.