Warner, M.

Linking PRA to Policy: The Conflict Analysis Framework

This article outlines a new technique which it is hoped will contribute to a basket of approaches designed to link PRA to policy. It was piloted with communities in two Game Management Areas in Zambia in December, 1995. The PRA team comprised experienced facilitators and extension workers from the government wildlife authority and an NGO (WWF -BWP). The article describes the technique and some of the lessons learned from the case studies.

A strategic approach to participatory development planning: the case of a rural community in Belize

The paper describes the experiences of incorporating participatory methods into strategic development planning in a rural community in Belize, Central America. The SWOT (= Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) technique was used to provide a framework for villagers to identify and assess their community's internal strengths and weaknesses and the external political and economic opportunities and threats facing them.

A strategic approach to participatory development planning: the case of a rural community in Belize

The paper describes the experiences of incorporating participatory methods into strategic development planning in a rural community in Belize, Central America. The SWOT (= Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) technique was used to provide a framework for villagers to identify and assess their community's internal strengths and weaknesses and the external political and economic opportunities and threats facing them.