Tayong, Andrew

What stimulating and committed leadership can achieve : Nkouondja, Cameroon

The article describes the state of the water management system in Pakora, Pakistan when the PAR team made forays to assess the situation. Information on the process adopted by the PAR team is recounted and the response from the community is included on key issues such as the committee and transparency and record keeping. The article concludes by providing evidence of improvements to the water management system and assessing the gains made by the community.

Convincing people to pay for water : Nkouondja in Cameroon

Account of how Participatory Action Research (PAR) allowed the people of Nkouondja to develop improved community approaches to manage their water system. Information is provided on how the PAR team set about bringing the community together and led them through a village walk to begin dialogues. The article also has feedback from the community and its perception of donor agencies.