Tanzania. Ministry of Regional Administration and Local Government (MRALG)

Training manual on participatory community based O&OD [Opportunities and Obstacles to Development] planning. Vol.2 Field guide

This manual was prepared to facilitate access to participatory planning tools in Tanzania, to make them more accessible to planners and other development workers in ordre to facilitate sustainable development in the country. Its main purpose is to provide a source of reference for the Tanzania government and other staff whilst engaging in development activities with communities. It presents a number of æinstructionsÆ for undertaking participatory methodologies on a day-by-day basis, over a course of six days, and includes exercises and tools to carry these out.

Training manual on participatory community based O&OD [Opportunities and Obstacles to Development] planning. Vol.1 Training guide

This manual was prepared to facilitate access to participatory planning tools in Tanzania, to make them more accessible to planners and other development workers in order to facilitate sustainable development in the country. Its main purpose is to provide a source of reference for the Tanzania government and other staff whilst engaging in development activities with communities. The manual is structured to explain the background to the underlying planning and local government reforms, and the monitoring and evaluation of development interventions at community and other levels.