Scrimshaw, S.

Rapid Assessment Procedures for Nutrition and Primary Health Care

This manual is divided into six chapters and appendixes: 1) describes the evolution of RAP - the modification of traditional anthropological techniques to fit a time constraint of 4 - 8 weeks. 2) outlines the anthropological methods of formal interviews, informal interviews, conversation, observation, participant observation and focus groups. Types of information records are outlined. 3) details how to conduct a focus group and record information. 4) gives guidance on the selection training and supervision of field workers.

Rapid Anthropological Assessment Procedures (RAP): Applications to the Measurement of Maternal and Child Mortality, Morbidity and Health Care

Rapid anthropological assessment procedures (RAP) have evolved as a form of shortcut anthropological techniques which complement quantitative data. RAP is suited for social scientists spending approximately six weeks in the field. The core of the RAP approach is guidelines or "shopping lists" which form the basis for both data collection and analysis. Data are collected through several techniques; formal interviewing, informal interviewing, conversations, observations, participant observations, focus groups, secondary data sources.