Understanding Non-Timber Tree Product Markets: The Application of Rapid Rural Appraisal Techniques
Beer and Baskets: The Economics of Women's Livelihoods in Ngamiland, Botswana
Rapid Rural Appraisal for Agroforestry, Zimbabwe
A Participatory Model of Agricultural Research and Extension: The Case of Vleis, Trees and Grazing Schemes in the Dry South of Zimbabwe
A Trainer's Guide for Participatory Learning and Action
Participatory Rapid Rural Appraisal in Wollo: Peasant Association Planning for Natural Resource Management.
The first section of this report comprises an introduction to the area in relation to its natural resources with particular emphasis on trees, and perceptions of trees by residents. The background to, and use of R/PRA is discussed, in the context of a workshop held on focusing on participation and trees. The methods used in RRA are discussed and a checklist of important issues given.
Challenging the populist perspective : rural peoples knowledge, agricultural research and extension practice.
The authors view knowledge as a social process, and knowledge systems in terms of multiple actors and networks through which the communication and negotiation of information takes place, and not as unitary cohesive structures. The purpose of this paper is to challenge æFarmer FirstÆ unitary populist approaches to knowledge to reassess how people in different agroecological and sociocultural contexts understand and deal with research and extension processes, engage each other in different endeavours, and assert power relations for social and political purposes.