Combining Objectives Oriented Project Planning and Participatory Rural Appraisal: ZOOP/OOPP and PRA "Twinship" Read more about Combining Objectives Oriented Project Planning and Participatory Rural Appraisal: ZOOP/OOPP and PRA "Twinship"
Jumelage MARP-PPO: Combinaison de la Méthode Active de Recherche Participative (MARP) et la Planification de Projets par Objectifs (PPO) Read more about Jumelage MARP-PPO: Combinaison de la Méthode Active de Recherche Participative (MARP) et la Planification de Projets par Objectifs (PPO)
ZOPP Marries PRA? Yes! But Why? Why is it Fruitful to Combine ZOPP and PRA? Read more about ZOPP Marries PRA? Yes! But Why? Why is it Fruitful to Combine ZOPP and PRA?