Quinney, S.

PRA methods and their application to participatory monitoring and evaluation

This short report provides some useful comments on a two week training course on the use of PRA for PM&E conducted by the Development Support Programme Khartoum, part of the Community Development Services in Cairo. It took place over two weeks in Kordofan and involved fieldwork in villages, with varying involvement in SOS Sahel's Natural Forest Management Project, near to El Obeid. Among the problems that emerged from this course, were; 1. the difficulties in encouraging a "suitable PRA attitude" amongst course participants in their approach to the villagers; 2.

PRA methods and their application to participatory monitoring and evaluation: report on a course held in El Obeid, Sudan

A two week course was held for government and NGO participants in El Obeid, Sudan, to "explore some of the issues around PM&E and introduce a selection of possible PRA methods". This report briefly describes the actual course and analyses certain problem areas that arose - attitude to villagers, use of symbols and the difficulty of focusing on PM&E within a PRA course. Tools found most useful for evaluation were: impact diagrams, impact matrices and evaluation matrices (visual examples of each are given).