Pla notes

Tips for trainers: Extracts from the 'Action Research for Community-based Planning' project manual

As part of this issue of pla notes on community-based planning, Tips for trainers brings you two extracts from Khanya-Managing Rural ChangeÆs Action Research for Community-Based PlanningI project manual. The evelopment of the manual was funded under the project for action-research on community-based planning on which several of the papers in this issue of pla notes are based and represents the collective work and experience from this broad group.

Extracts from 'Teach yourself citizens' juries: a handbook by the DIY Jury Steering Group'

This brief overview of the concept of citizens' juries (CJ) contains extracts from a new handbook Teach yourself citizens' juries; A handbook by the DIY steering group. Using a series of cartoons as a guide, it takes you through a step-by-step process on how to plan, implement, and follow-up a CJ. The cartoons illustrate what a CJ is, why you might want to have one, what the main ingredients of a CJ are, and how to get started.

Tips for trainers: Role play: an extract from Reflect's 'Communication and Power' resource pack

Tips for Trainers in this issue is on role play, and is taken from a new resource pack, Communication and Power, put together by the International Reflect Circle. It discusses when role play is useful and the different forms it can take, giving examples of where role play has been used in communities.