Mosse, D.

Local Institutions for Natural Resources Development: Principles and Practice in the KRIBHCO Indo British Rainfed Farming Project (KRIBP)

This paper argues that for rainfed and watershed development programmes to be sustainable it is not sufficient for participatory research and planning methods to be adopted alone. A structured planning process is also essential in which local institutions are identified and supported to take responsibility for implementatiom and the long term management .

Social analysis in participatory rural development

The article focuses on the generation of knowledge about social relationships within participatory rural development projects. In the Kribhco Indo-British Rainfed Farming Project (KRIBP) in India significant constraints were experienced in using PRA techniques for social analysis. Although they were successful at generating agro-ecological information, they were less helpful in revealing the structures of power and influence within a village or in helping project workers identify the social relations which shaped 'public' opinion.