Ira, Gregory C.

Sharing the last drop: household water security in small coastal watersheds

This article details the rationale for the Water Equity in the Lifescape and Landscape Study (WELLS), which was carried out in the Philippines and Vietnam. Household water security is defined in terms of quantity, quality and access. The Household Water Security Mapping Tool (HWSMT) is explained in detail. The HWSMT is a rapid, participatory and relatively precise assessment tool of household level water security that is visual in nature.

Participatory methods for community-based coastal resource management.

Brief account of a 'write-shop' held on participatory methods for community-based coastal resource management (CBCRM) at International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) in the Philippines. Provides details of a 'Source Book on Participatory methods for Community-based Natural Resource Management' which was the result of the write-shop.