Howard, Joanna

They are shouting it whenever they can: beyond invited participation: the power of popular communications

This overview article on the power of popular communications starts by introducing the use of popular communications, and its tools - theatre, art, poetry, video, music, etc. - in both participatory development and participation in development. For the former, popular communications provides a tool that can stimulate reflection and action within processes of planned intervention, such as development projects. As such, it becomes a means to give voice. For others it is more about people using their voices to 'shout it wherever they can'.

Popular communications

This special issue of PLA Notes reflects on Popular Communications, drawing on a workshop held at the Institute of Development Studies in May 2000. The workshop drew together a wide range of international development and community practitioners who use innovative popular communications media in their work. At the workshop, the idea emerged of a 'Well of Inspiration', a collection of stories from experience from the workshop participants which could be shared amongst them and with other popular communications practitioners and activists.