Fuglesang, A.

About understanding: ideas and observations on cross-cultural communication

Experience of living and working in Zambia led the author to reflect on the differences in understanding and communication. This wide-ranging account looks at concepts such as "time" as expressed in Swahili and English, and how a "magic" world view affects the concept of causal relations. Concerned particularly with pictures as "the link between written and oral lifestyles", the author goes on to analyse his Zambian friends' perspective.

It is the Young Trees That Make a Thick Forest

Redd Barna Uganda is a non-governmental development organization which focuses on child-centred community development. It is looking to Participatory Rural Appraisal to achieve more participatory planning. This report describes a ten-day PRA training workshop which was organised by Redd Barna and the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) for Redd Barna staff and trainees in March 1994. A detailed account is given of the classroom-based preparations.