National workshop on participatory practices and networking (PARENT) , 4-6 Aug 1997, Morogoro : report
Guidelines for Training Sequences and Processes
The authors of the paper prepared a sequence of checklists of what is to be in place prior to, during and post training. The paper also explains what is expected in every step of the sequence of checklists. Among the areas covered in the paper are duration of training, trainer/trainee, training content and budget.
Draft Report of the PRA Workshop at Ice-Sokoine University, Morogoro, Tanzania
This report gives candid insights into the chaos of a poorly organised training workshop as it developed subject to unforeseen constraints. Learning from this experience, the author presents three diagrams concerning the basic requirements for learners', facilitators' and organisers' attitudes and behaviour in order for training to be a success. There is also a list of comments on shortcomings of the workshop - selection of participants, planning of workshop, training venue, delegation of responsibilities, training material supply, field preparations and so on.
Evaluation of a community-based buffalo project in Tamil Nadu
The study describes a mid-term evaluation of a community-based dairy buffalo project in Tamil Nadu. The project assists families drawn from the socially and economically deprived sectors of society, mostly landless, to purchase a dairy buffalo. The aim of the evaluation was to provide a clear socio-economic-cultural perception of the project from the beneficiaries' perspective. A number of techniques were used: trend change and linkage, semi-structured interviews, seasonal calendars, livelihood analyses and resource mapping/modelling.
Workshop on PRA for planning health projects
A topical PRA on health was held in South India for 23 participants belonging to 11 NGO groups. Activities were conducted separately by the NGO group and women's group : their different perceptions of health problems are compared on a table. Information on the reproductive cycle was also produced by the women's group. Some general observations made about women's participation include : "women have come out with seasonal calendar of 10 months" and "women have triangulated only amongst themselves and never wanted to present in the larger forum."
PRA for rural resource management
This article describes a three day workshop on PRA conducted by the NGO SPEECH in Tamil Nadu, based in a village where SPEECH was working. The main purpose of the PRA was to discuss the rehabilitation of an irrigation tank network, while introducing the concepts of PRA to the participants. Several techniques were taught and practised: timelines, participatory mapping, modelling, seasonal calendars. One of the group activities documented was the construction of a matrix of six trees according to eight criteria, illustration included.
Training workshop on PRA for planning health projects
SPEECH (Society for Peoples' Education and Economic Change) conducted a series of workshops on PRA for NGO and Government officials in Tamil Nadu, Southern India. The workshop at Manavarayanenthal focused on health, "to evolve new strategies in planning specific health projects". The training programme began with a session on the principles of PRA, followed by learning various PRA techniques in the community. Descriptions are given of each activity, including materials used, and an evaluation of the training programme as a whole.
Training workshop on PRA for planning health projects
This article outlines one of a series of workshops conducted for NGOs and local Government officials in Tamil Nadu by the Society for Peoples' Education and Economic Change (SPEECH). The 23 participants spent four days learning PRA theory and conducting fieldwork in a village near Tiruchuli. The workshop also analysed group dynamics and recorded the very favourable impressions of participants. Examples are given of village maps, models, matrices and linkage diagrams.