Datta, Dipankar

Listening to CBOs: development of the project exit strategy through participatory capacity assessment in relation to the sustainability of CBOs

This report presents the perceptions of project group members, AC (Area Committee) members and project staff regarding the sustainability of UCDPÆs (urban community development programmes) organisational building approach in relation to the phase out of a UCPD project in Bowbazar area, Chittagong, Bangladesh that was initiated by the organisation Concern Bangladesh.

Crisis and coping strategies of the poor: the role of local institutions in Bangladesh

This book explores the qualities of relationship, behaviour and effectiveness that the poor of Bangladesh consider important in the institutions with which they interact during periods of crisis. It arose out of a perceived lack by the World Bank's Participatory Poverty Assessment (undertaken to contribute towards the World Development Report 2000/01) to look at the area of crisis and institutions.

Developing urban health systems in Bangladesh

The article looks at the challenges and strategies of a partnership for health that was formed in 1998 in Saidpur and Parbatipur municipalities in Northern Bangladesh. Under the Child Survival Programme (CSP), a partnership was formed between Concern, 2 municipal authorities and 24 ward health committees. The overall goal of the CSP is to reduce maternal and child mortality and morbidity, and increase child survival by developing a sustainable municipal health service.

Domestic abuses against housewives in haor areas of Bangladesh: understanding the impact of Concern's intervention in reducing abuses

This article gives account for a domestic violence study conducted in 12 haor areas (areas that flood regularly) in the northeastern region of Bangladesh. Concern Worldwide (an international NGO) has been implementing integrated rural development projects in three remote sub-districts- Khaliajuri, Itna, and Gowainghat- or the last ten years. Key project activities include the formation of community groups with the poor for raising awareness, human development training, skill training, non-formal education, saving and credit schemes, and rural infrastructure development.