Cornwall, Andrea

Making sense of community wellbeing : processes of analysis in participatory wellbeing assessments in South London

Conventional health needs assessments do not normally involve community members who experience health problems. In this article, the author examines the processes involved in conducting Participatory Wellbeing Assessments in the London Boroughs of Sutton and Merton. These Assessments engaged residents in documenting and analysing their needs, broadened the focus from 'needs' to 'wellbeing' and involved residents at every stage. The methods employed are described, which range from participant observation to participatory planning.

Report on the conference on 'The Tyranny of Particpation' , Manchester, November 3rd, 1998

A short report on the Tyranny of Participation Conference held in Manchester, 3 November 1998. An introduction details emerging issues and is followed by a look at the role of individual actors and their networks in processes of institutionalisation, the question of what constitutes evidence, the implications of decentralisation on democracy and governance and finally at ways to move understanding forward.

Pollards Hill participatory wellbeing needs assessment

The Pollards Hill Building Connections Single Regeneration Budget Scheme will run for five years with a budget of ú5 million. It aims to improve access to education, training and employment, develop local enterprise, strengthen healthcare and improve the quality of life in the local community. This needs assessment was carried out as part of the "strengthening health care" theme and focused on residents views of life in Pollards HillI.

Stepping stones : a training manual for sexual and reproductive health communication and relationship skills.

This manual is adapted for use in South Africa from the original Stepping Stones package produced by Alice Welbourn, (see document number 1078) that was originally designed for use in small rural communities in Uganda. In making the adaptation it was recognised that many South Africans live in cities and that in such communities change may be achieved if communities are seen as people from a neighbourhood, a school, a women's goup, a football club, church group etc.

Roundshaw participatory well-being needs assessment : final report.

Report of a participatory health needs assessment carried out on the Roundshaw Estate by a team of residents, health, housing and youth service workers, which focused specifically on residents views on well-being on the estate and their suggestions for improving the quality of life there. The report includes a section evaluating and reflecting on the process used, which examines amongst other aspects, reactions of the community members and also the Participatory Appraisal Team to the process.
