Género y ciudadanía

Este paquete de información sirve para dar una introducción al género y ciudadanía. Contiene tres documentos: un informe general, una colección de recursos de apoyo, y el Boletín de Bridge, EnBreve, edición 14 sobre género y ciudadanía. El informe examina la importancia de ciudadanía y género en la teoría y la práctica del desarrollo. Discute los discusiones dominantes en la literatura sobre género y ciudadanía y procura ilustrar cómo mirar la ciudadanía de una perspectiva del género puede introducir las derechas más amplias y la participación política como metas del desarrollo.

Gender and citizenship

This information pack is provided to give an introduction to gender and citizenship. It contains three documents: an overview report, a supporting resources collection, and the InBrief, Bridge Bulletin, Issue 14 on Gender and Citizenship. The report looks at the importance of both citizenship and gender to development theory and practice. It discusses key debates in the literature on gender and citizenship and attempts to illustrate how reframing citizenship from a gender perspective can introduce broader rights and political participation as development goals.

[Gender and Participation]: cutting edge pack: topical gender knowledge

This pack contains four documents drawing together the themes of gender and participation. It has also been translated into Arabic. The documents are as follows: (1) Gender and Participation - Overview Report (Supriya Akerkar) 31 pp. This report looks at convergences between approaches to gender and to participation, how these have been played out, and how they have been or could be constructively integrated into projects, programmes, policies and institutions. (2) Report Summary 4 pp (3) Gender and Participation - Support Resources Collection (Emma Bell and Paola Brambilla) 43 pp.