Boraian, M. P.

Towards a rural immersion: a World Bank journey

This booklet gives account of a village immersion programme for World Bank staff carried out in 1997, in collaboration with the Gandhigram Rural Institute (GRI) in Tamil Nadu, India. Four groups of staff (altogether 15) were despatched to different villages where they stayed for a four day period. The participants went on transect walks, met with leaders, examined social amenities, observed community projects and interacted with the people.

Towards rural immersion: a World Bank journey

The village immersion programme for the World Bank staff is atrining programme for executives entrusted with development transactions. It entails not mere spot visits, but staying in the village, not mere conversation with people, but comprehension of their culture and economy and not mere exposure to the rural scene, but immersion in their life and work. The booklet contains a report of immersion visits and reflections from Bank staff and facilitators.