The evolving conception of literacy in REFLECT.
The REFLECT process at an international level
Article based on a workshop focussing around the REFLECT Mother Manual which was published in 1996. The workshop was held to pull together concerns and learnings regarding the manual and also to collect together recent innovations in practice.
Reflections on REFLECT.
Introductory article to a special edition of PLA notes devoted to participation, literacy and empowerment.
A dialogue with Paulo Freire.
Action research report on REFLECT : Regenerated Freirean Literacy through Community Techniques : the experiences of three REFLECT pilot projects in Uganda, Bangladesh, El Salvador.
REFLECT mother manual : regenerated Freirean literacy through empowering community techniques.
Also available from ActionAid in French, Spanish, Portuguese and Bengali
Manual matriz REFLECT : alfabetizaþÒo Freireana regenerada através de técnicas de potencializaþao comunitária.
Manual de alfabetización y guÝa para el alfabetizador - Comunidades Unidas de Usultan san Francisco Javier, El Salvador
La alfabetizaci¾n es una manera de recordar, registrar, representar la realidad, comunicar, transformar. Sin embargo, un programa de alfabetizaci¾n debe considerar a la gente analfabeta como entendida y competente, para que el programa de alfabetizaci¾n pueda a±adir al conocimiento actual en vez de sostituirlo. Este manual tiene la finalidad de ser usado como: capacitaci¾n inicial para alfabetizadores, talleres de capacitaci¾n, y como documento de referencia o guÝa para los facilitadores de la alfabetizaci¾n.